COVID-19 Information2020-10-29T06:21:21-04:00

COVID-19 InformationAll Holy Name School related COVID-19 Updates and Information will be posted to this page.

March 2021

March 19th School Update

March 24th, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, Happy Solemnity of St. Joseph! There are no COVID cases to report today. Have a great weekend! Joe 409 S. 22nd Street | Escanaba, MI 49289 P: (906) 786-7550 | F: (906) 786-7582 | W: It's more than a's a way of life!

March 22 – School Update

March 24th, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, Thank you to all of you that have already registered for school next year! Please remember that our early registration period end this coming Friday. After Friday, the registration fee increases from $100.00 to $150.00. We are blessed with a very generous scholarship program. In fact, we have two new memorial scholarships that were added to our list this year! Please do not let money be the reason why you don’t send your child to receive a Catholic education. I know that it has been a challenging [...]

March 23rd – School Update

March 24th, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, There are no COVID cases to report tonight. I hope that everyone has a nice evening and can get outside to enjoy the fresh air! God bless, Joe 409 S. 22nd Street | Escanaba, MI 49289 P: (906) 786-7550 | F: (906) 786-7582 | W: It's more than a's a way of life!

March 16th – School Update

March 16th, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, Today started out like no other day for me. On a fairly regular basis, I use my personal restroom in my office before I start my day. However, for some reason after 67 years of use, my handle decided to break today and I was locked in my restroom. Thankfully, I had my cell phone with me and I was able to call the office for help. Unfortunately, the other side of the handle didn’t do anything either. I know that many people have had to work [...]

March 9th – School Update

March 9th, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, This warm weather has really been refreshing these past two days! I hope that you have been able to get out and enjoy them! However, you may want to wear a rain coat or bring an umbrella to school tomorrow. (At least we won’t have to shovel it!) There are no new COVID cases to report today. God bless and have a great evening! Joe 409 S. 22nd Street | Escanaba, MI 49289 P: (906) 786-7550 | F: (906) 786-7582 | W: It's more than a [...]

March 8th – School Update

March 8th, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, I hope that everyone had a great weekend! Please help me welcome Mrs. Donna Orzel to our school family! She will be covering for Mrs. DeCremer while she is on her maternity leave. Donna was introduced to the students on Friday and will be co-teaching with Mrs. DeCremer until her little one arrives. Mrs. DeCremer’s due date is on March 30th. Mrs. Orzel is a very kind and gentle person with 25 years of teaching experience. We are blessed to have her! I have attached an introduction [...]

March 5th – School Update

March 5th, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, There are no new COVID cases to report today. I hope that everyone has a great weekend! God bless, Joe 409 S. 22nd Street | Escanaba, MI 49289 P: (906) 786-7550 | F: (906) 786-7582 | W: It's more than a's a way of life!

March 3rd – School Update

March 3rd, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, There are no new COVID cases to report today. Today, I was entertained with a number of great jokes! My favorite type of jokes are puns. I have always enjoyed a good pun. I’d like to share that I learned something very important today. I learned that pre-school students are not quite ready for puns. Most of them looked at me with blank stares as a read a book full of puns. It was really humbling and almost painful to read this book in front of them. [...]

March 2nd – School update and Invitation for High School Presentation

March 2nd, 2021|

JMJ Dear Family, We have one student in 7th grade that was considered a possible close contact of a positive case. The student is not experiencing any symptoms and is quarantining for the time being to be on the safe side. Tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the multi-purpose room we will be having our first official informational meeting on the reopening of Holy Name High School! Any family interested in hearing more about the re-opening of the high school is invited to attend. Even if your child is several years [...]
